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Manningham Life was born during the pandemic to fill the need to keep the Manningham community informed and connected. After the demise of the local paper in 2020, Manningham Life started distributing free copies of our magazine in 2021 to 20,000 homes every other month — a rare commitment in today's publishing world. 

To keep telling and sharing local community news and stories, we need your help please to cover costs. Printing and distribution costs are expensive, and advertising income alone doesn't cover these costs. With your support, we can keep local news thriving — to continue sharing news and stories that matter to our community.

As an independent news outlet owned and run by Manningham residents, we rely on your support. If you're in a position to do so, we hope you'll join us in strengthening our community by supporting local journalism. Thank you in advance.

Stella Yee, Editor & Publisher